Alcohol Content: 5% ABV

Alcohol Content: 5% ABV


330mL Bottle

640mL Bottle

330mL Can

500mL Can


330mL Bottle

640mL Bottle

330mL Can

500mL Can

Availability Worldwide
Argentina, Australia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bermuda, Cambodia, Canada, China, Estonia, Guam, India, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan. Latvia, Lithuania, Malaysia, Maldives, Marshal Islands, Nepal, Oman, Palau, Panama, Paraguay, Philippines, Pohnpei, Qatar, Russia, Saipan, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Taiwan, Tanzania, Thailand, Tuvalu, UAE, USA, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Vietnam, Zanzibar
Claim to Excellence

A tradition of excellence having received numerous International Quality Awards, including more than 90 Monde Selection, Australian International Beer Awards and other product quality and excellence awards.
Also recognized throughout the years by various international and local trade and industry, media and consumer organizations, like the World Beer Championships in the US, 7-11, Reader’s Digest, and the HK Trade and Industry.